posted by Mitchell J. Skurnik (MJCS) @ 2010-03-13 19:50:49 | Category:
Half-Life 2 ModificationSource:
Pirates, Vikings, & Knights II
A new update is out which fixes a few problems caused by the patch yesterday
Bug Fixes
- Fixed being unable to stun players whether a perfect parry or bash
- Fixed players performing special being bashed and getting frozen
- Fixed problems with the Linux build
posted by Mitchell J. Skurnik (MJCS) @ 2010-03-12 19:50:14 | Category:
Half-Life 2 ModificationSource:
Kingdoms Collide
Kingdoms Collide announces it's first beta release! It's a little rough around the edges, so be gentle but constructive with your feedback (we want lots of feedback). It's a proud accomplishment that 2 guys have gotten this far with their very first mod in only one year. Hopefully it's the beginning of something great.
Kingdoms Collide BETA Trailer video - Mod DB
Download Kingdoms Collide:
posted by Mitchell J. Skurnik (MJCS) @ 2010-03-12 19:34:33 | Category:
Half-Life 2 ModificationSource:
We just held Session #01 of the Play It First competition yesterday. It was a nice turn out and everyone (new and old) thoroughly enjoyed the playtest. We've played all the maps, including the four new ones - and we have the media to prove it!
This was taken yesterday over the course of 2 hour beta test. This was taken from a small 5 v 5 match across all of the maps featured in Orion Beta 1.2. Enjoy the first official gameplay images of Orion Beta 1.2!
Yes, that enemy was just destroyed by the flag carrier!
Defending the flag carrier on ctf_shadow.
Flanking the enemy through the dark corridors of ctf_geode.
Aerial Combat on the new level - ctf_myst.
Failing on an objective attack.
Succeeding at an objective attack!
Tearing (@#5 up!
Gears of War Roadie Run styled image.
That's right! We are announcing the second wave for the Play It First competition! This wave will be doubled in size - so please DO NOT hesitate to apply! It's quick, it's easy and most importantly - it's fun!
If you want to be one of the first to get your grubby little hands on the beta, here is what you must do:
- 01 - Be one of the first 100 people to send an email to:
- 02 - Discuss other games you've beta tested, and why you think you can help us
- 03 - Your computer specs
- 04 - Age & Location
This is the second wave for the Beta 1.2 hand out. First come, first serve! Start sending out those emails! There is no guaranteed third wave!
Visit our site for constant updates and news about Orion and the upcoming Beta 1.2!
posted by Mitchell J. Skurnik (MJCS) @ 2010-03-12 07:10:20 | Category:
Half-Life 2 ModificationSource:
Pirates, Vikings and Knights II
Here is a small update for Linux Servers which fixes issues that have been occurring with them. It will be available in Steam Patch form tomorrow sometime.
posted by Mitchell J. Skurnik (MJCS) @ 2010-03-11 18:48:53 | Category:
Half-Life 2 ModificationSource:
Cry of Fear
We kept our promise.
Well, just recently we promised we'd be doing more videocasts, so we've gone and done just that. This is the 3rd installment in the thrilling Cry of Fear videocast series, starting with a bang and ending with a whimper. We also promised that they'd be in HD.
So guess what isn't HD?
If you guessed "the videocast", then you'd be right! We've been having a number of technical difficulties lately, the main one being my PC being totally fucked. Don't worry though, the code was backed up and nothing has been lost. This shouldn't really impede progress as I can still continue to code from this laptop. Anyway, without further ado, here's the 3rd videocast!
Cry of Fear - Videocast 3 - Mod DB
We now have a proper website
That's right. This was LONG overdue, and we finally got off our lazy butts and hired a fellow Brit, Xilefian, to do the site for us. He completed it at breakneck speed, and we're extremely grateful to him. Three cheers for Felix! Please do sign up to the site and forums, and stay active! News there will be posted a day before ModDB, so you'll get all the exclusives before anyone else. Which reminds me
GIve us your delicious money
We have set up an area for donations! This helps us keep the site running. (Bandwidth and disk space is provided by my website, Half-Life Creations so feel free to check that out too! Donations over $10 also get you super top-secret features, not only in the forums but in the mod too, to show our appreciation. If you do donate, please send me a private message on the forums with the email you used to donate and the install path to your Steam copy of Half-Life. We need this to ensure that you get the donator-specific features in the mod! Unlike a multiplayer mod such as Sven-Coop, we can't check your Steam ID due to a boring technical reason to do with how Steam handles LAN players. Sorry for the inconvenience!
Catch you all on the flipside
posted by Mitchell J. Skurnik (MJCS) @ 2010-03-11 18:44:09 | Category:
Half-Life 2 ModificationSource:
Room Escape
Hey everybody! Since our Christmas update we have been working on Room Escape more than usual. Recently, a new passcode system has been created. Now we can add "find the passcode" puzzles to Room Escape. The inventory system is working very well too. We are shooting for a May release, hopefully we will be on time. Until next time, see ya.
posted by Mitchell J. Skurnik (MJCS) @ 2010-03-11 18:42:28 | Category:
Half-Life 2 Modificationposted by Mitchell J. Skurnik (MJCS) @ 2010-03-11 18:40:58 | Category:
Half-Life 2 ModificationSource:
Kingdoms Collide
Release isn't that far away now, and to keep you guys drooling in anticipation we're going to throw another video your way. This time showing off the Ice elemental aspect of our magic system. Within this video you'll notice a couple other things, chief among them is our bot support. Anywyas, here it is:
At this time we'd also like to to release the dedicated server files for anyone interested in getting their own server up. For anyone new to running a dedicated server, there's also some helpful how-to files included to get you started. Grab the server files for Kingdoms Collide here on ModDB and get your server setup for release!
Download Kingdoms Collide Beta Server
Last but not least, we've setup an IRC chat over on the Gamesurge network. It's looking a little sparse right now since it's brand new, so stop by if you want to celebrate the first release of Kingdom Collide. Those in IRC will have first access to the client files, so come join #KingdomsCollide on the Gamesurge network.
posted by Mitchell J. Skurnik (MJCS) @ 2010-03-11 18:37:20 | Category:
Half-Life 2 ModificationSource:
Pirates, Vikings and Knights
Today there is an update which will automatically update with Steam.
Here is the changelog for this update:
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue with clients crashing randomly in some instances of a new round starting
- Fixed Skirmisher's using their lunge special getting stunned by kegs and becoming frozen
- Fixed Longbow, Javelin, and Throwing Axes being unable to start charging in water
- Added a hud display to territory gamemode that appears when you are in a territory
- Net Graph panel now displays loss and choke in every mode
- Added audio feedback to the skirmisher reload animations
- Improved keg detonation sound effects
Fort Changes
Temple Changes
Sandstorm Changes
Localization Changes
- Updates to the Simplified Chinese and Traditional Chinese translations
- Improved support for Cryillic Alphabet in our fonts used by Russian translation
posted by Mitchell J. Skurnik (MJCS) @ 2010-03-10 19:22:15 | Category:
Half-Life 2 Modification