
IRC Chat


HLGaming provides hosting for your Half-Life related game site as long as it meets our criteria of being completed, relating to Half-Life, not pertaining to a general news site and being well maintained. For completing these requirements you can get the following free at the small price of displaying our button on a prominent spot on most pages of your site. Sites requiring more resource will need to run adcode.

  • Ad-free websites (In most cases)
  • Unlimited Resources (within reason)
  • E-Mail Services
  • Custom Error Documents
  • Domain or Sub domain Hosting
  • News/Event Coverage
  • FTP Service
  • Tech Support, by IRC or Email.
  • Access to the webmaster system

So if you have a mod you're working on, or want to provide a place for developers to get tips etc, then keep reading!  Send us an e-mail with information in detail what the site you want hosted, the kind of traffic it receives (not required), what you foresee as it's future, what sub domain you want (

In most cases we also require your site to "exist" or be "completed" already, by this it means you've got yourself a design and content ready, and just need a place to put it - in which case some screenshots will suffice. Or it can mean you'll be moving to us from a previous host, so providing us with the URL would be perfect.

Hosted: Half-Life 2
Hosted: Archived
Hosted: Half-Life 1
Hosted: Editing/Mapping
Hosted: Misc/Fan Sites